This was a shot I took in the evening after we discovered the farrier left his working chaps on the bed of the truck and the fell off in our driveway, so I used thee xcuse to take the bike for a test ride. The handlebars worked great, though the roads were wet, it was much more flickable and the ability to countersteer was enhanced ten-fold. It was dark along Rt. 50 in Dillsboro where I stopped and took this shot. I was calling the Ming to have him meet me at Frisches for supper. The Mid mounts work great...still waiting on the brake pedal and linkage from Elvis in Cali. I know the shot sucks. There was a cop pulling someone over across the street when I snapped it...Adventure riding.

I can now lean against whatever I strap on and know it's there. When I remake it, I will raise the front up more. I am going to take some padding out of my seat too so I set down into the saddle more. It is a cheap LePera seat, it doesn't really set the way I like. Not that I am very picky, hell I could set on a rock and be fine, but if I am going to have a seat, I might as well have one I ike.

Birdman's buddy Jesee's FXR.

Jesse with mangked fingers. The guy makes some wild stuff for the birdman. They have like a zombie fighting mutant vehicle fabrication shop out there in Nebraska. Must visit soon.

Live to Ride dude! Must get a new side cover during swap meet season, bt for now it functions and offends!

Thanks Jesse!

The magnetic tank bag works great to hold my cell, glasses, Cummin's Diesel hat, camera and gate pass to get into work. Trying to dig my Pass out of my pocket before the gate dropped again became embaressing at work. I thought of sewing a clear pocket on my jacket to swipe, but I think the tank bag with a easy accessible pocket will work better.

What you don't have draft horse harness in your garage? Shame.
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