Here's some pictures of my 'early' 84 FXRP.
I bought the bike from a former co-worker who decided to buy a Heritage. No accounting for taste.
The tank that came on it was a dented rusty POS internally, I replaced it with the current one,flames & all off E bay for $185.
Changed the shocks from the stock ones to the shorter ones on it now.Dropped it about 1-1/2"-2", so call me a heretic, it still corners fine . The stock forks on FXRP's as well as RT's, RD's and I believe FXRS-SP's are an 1-1/2 " longer than regular FXR front tubes..There's still plenty of clearence for "curb jumping". The stock pipes with the crossover and SE slip-ons work fine. Years ago BUB Enterprises did a dyno test of their pipes,Thunderheaders,SuperTrapps & the crossovers with slip-ons. The thing I noticed in the test was that the stock cross over pipes with good slip-on mufflers did nearly as well as the aftermarket pipes(within 1-2 hp) & at certain rpm's (mainly mid-range where most riding takes place)they actually did better.
I've a lifelong friend who has a newer Night Train with the 96" motor. I leave him behind whenever I want.
Rear chain drive; stock from H-D.,breather hose venting on the ground, Dry clutch,S&S "E" simply because I like them. Throw over bags (not pictured) carry what's needed. I've still got the cop bags,seat, front & rear fenders.
Slowly building a parts horde, extra seats,tanks,fenders ,speedometers (one NOS )& exhausts so far.
I turned 58 in Oct.,I remember when cop bikes were bought, stripped of parts & built to suit the rider's preferences. It's what "we" did.