Walmarts provides cheap presciptions...Four fucking dollars for some generic prescriptions...I don't even get my insurance card out when I go to Walmarts...and there is not a day goes by where someone blast Walmarts for being an evil empire...putting Mom and Pop stores out of a news flash those Mom and Pop stores which decided not to compete when Walmart was small and growing, were capitalist too. I live in one of those small towns where Mom and Pops stores put up little signs in their stores about shopping locally and how evil Walmarts is..yet they close early so people working different shifts cannot shop there or people who do events with their children after work cannot get to the store at a reasonable hour... and they raise their prices so high that you cannot feed afford to feed you family or buy the hardware you need to fix what needs fixing, it is literally cheaper to drive an hour away and get the stuff I need at an affordable cost thanks to Capitalism. The Mom and Pop stores have decied not to compete...they refuse to change their habits to fit a modern society and are pissed because there are capitalist who are happy to provide a modern society with the thngs it needs at the hours it need it.
For over a decade now Oil companies have wanted to get Oil from Colorado and the North western region. It would be easier, safer for the enviroment then drilling under the ocean and plentiful...Enviromentalist have blocked this from happening. And Blocked future drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and on top of that BP has spent billions of dollars in research and development to bring the world cheap fucking gas...something the sign holders have not volunteered to do, even though they were born with the same resources that the BP engineers, and board members have...and now after years of ignoring the facts, blaming wars on Oil, and still demanding cheap gas to drive to the mall with, they head to Walgreens to buy poster board and magic markers to write crazy shit about capitalist. Fucking hippies.
Heres a piece of advice, you fuckers who hate capitalism so much, start your own manufacturing plants and energy sources and provide the world with every fucking thing that people use and give it away and give away any profits that you make and ask your employees to work for free...see how well that works out for you....fucking hippies.
If you are not working for free, you are living off the sweat of others.
Hippies should die.

Well if hippies aren't doing it...who will?
Even worse, they probably went to Wal*Mart and bought a bunch of shit made in fucking China to make their protest boards.
ReplyDeleteThe same thing Walmarts buys in China is the same thing all other stores buy in China.
ReplyDeleteChina is not the enemy, taxing corporations like they are endless supply well is the enemy. Taxing the income and personal property of the working class to the point that for the efforts they have to buy cheap products is the enemy.
When I work more than four days overtime a month, I pay as much taxes as I take home in income. I onvest that money in a nicer house, a nice vehicle that hauls my family around reliably and I get taxed more for doing so...I then have to budget my grocery budget accordingly...even though I was the one exposing myself to crazy hours and a hot dangerous job...
Welfare has caused more damage then BP ever will.
Well put Flynch!!! I couldn't agree with you more..I fucking hate to hear people bitch about something like this, I mean come the fuck on people..would you rather China or Russia drill in the Gulf and then buy it from them? Wait a minute I assumed only sane people would understand that rationale..BTW I live on the Gulf Coast so I see what's happening to all side of this debate!!